


Why is it needed at all?

why cat

Three pillars of scrum

scrum pillars

1. Transparency.

Transparency means presenting the facts as is. All team involved in process. They all trust each other, and they have the courage to keep each other abreast of good news as well as bad news. Everyone strives and collectively collaborates.

2. Inspection.

Inspection by everyone on the Scrum Team. The inspection can be done for the product, processes, people aspects, practices, and continuous improvements. For example, the team openly and transparently shows the product at the end of each Sprint to the customer in order to gather valuable feedback.

3. Adaptation.

Adaptation is about continuous improvement, the ability to adapt based on the results of the inspection. If the customer changes the requirements during inspection, the team does not complain but rather adapts by using this as an opportunity to collaborate with the customer to clarify the requirements and test out the new hypothesis.


scrum rules


scrum artifacts

Product Backlog

product backlog epic user-story

Sprint Backlog

sprint backlog sprint backlog table burndown chart




scrum events


sprint start-end sprint

Sprint Planning

sprint planning Planning Poker

Daily Scrum


Sprint Review


Sprint Retrospective

sprint retrospective scrum retrospective


scrum roles

Product Owner

Main responsibilities of a product owner:

  • Definition of the product vision
  • Product backlog management
  • Control at all stages of development

Scrum Master

Main responsibilities of a scrum master:

  • Facilitate the Scrum process
  • Remove impediments
  • Facilitate communication
  • Ensure transparency

Development Team

Main responsibilities of a development team:

  • Getting work done through a sprint
  • Ensuring transparency
  • Self-organization


  • The team works in small stages, at each of which goals and ways to achieve them are determined, which increases the speed of work
  • The team works on different project tasks at the same time and achieves the desired goal faster
  • Large tasks are divided into small ones, so it is convenient to make adjustments in the process
  • Due to quick response to changes and elimination of errors, financial risks are minimized
  • Each team member knows what they are responsible for
  • Open exchange of information makes the work as transparent as possible
  • Daily visibility of achievement keeps motivation high
  • Scrum is not suitable for projects that are too large and complex, as there may be problems with team coordination
  • A high level of trust in the team is required
  • After a long period of work, the dynamics of productivity drops, the team needs to be rebuilt or destroyed
  • The customer must constantly communicate with the team and give feedback

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